Handy Examines Professional Makeup Tricks That Any Lady Should Know

makeup tricks
Let’s just admit it! All women love to dress and do some makeup. As you want to look your best, you always envy how the other ladies have that flawless makeup on while you’re still struggling to get it perfect. The catch is to know some basic tricks that professionals use and charge a bomb for it. In this article, Handy tells you a few such tips so that you can give yourself the professional look.

Tips & Tricks

1. The correct way to use an eyeliner – It’s a fact that creamy products work better when they are a little warm. When you feel that you cannot apply the eyeliner in one go and need to repeat it for the desired finish, it’s time to heat it up a little. Hold the tip of the eyeliner pencil under the flame of a lighter just for a second or two till it gets tacky. Let it cool for a while and check it by applying on your hand to make sure that it is not too hot or melted. Apply it on your eyes with one stroke and feel the change.
2. Wash your sponge – Whenever you use a sponge to apply makeup, wash it first, and then pat-dry them with a soft towel. Now apply the product on the face with a patting motion rather than spreading it. This will save you money as the sponge absorbs less make-up ingredient this way. It also gives a more natural feel to the look. The same tip works with the highlighter if applied with a wet brush.
3. The correct place to keep your cosmetics – It’s a common practice that people tend to have a makeup cabinet in the washroom and generally keep all the cosmetics there. While it saves a lot of time and you step out of the washroom ready, experts suggest that it’s not a great idea. Bacteria grow much faster in warm, wet, and humid conditions, something that cannot be avoided in the washroom. This affects the quality of your cosmetics over a period of time. So, it is recommended to put moisture-absorbent bags on the cosmetic shelf or switch them to a more suitable place.
4. Know your blush color – We all love to highlight the face contour with a blush. The biggest makeup blunder according to the experts is to put the wrong color in the wrong place. Before applying blush, some basic rules need to be followed. The pink and red-colored blush are meant for cheeks. While peach is to be used over the cheekbones, bronze-colored shades are meant for the area under the cheekbone. This color-routine conforms to the blood flow of the face and looks more natural. It is also better to apply the blush before the use of foundation.


There is no fixed set of rules for doing makeup. So, go for a routine that is best suited for your face. Handy feels even though these tips make your makeup look flawless, it is essential to be confident in yourself as the essence of beauty lies therein. If you’re a professional Makeup artist, you must check out these attractive makeup artist flyers by PhotoADKing. Just customize it with your offerings, and you are good to post your makeup flyer on your websites and social media channels to drive more customers.
